As stated in Paragraph 1 of Article 14-2 of the Securities and Exchange Act: “A company that has issued stock in accordance with this Act may appoint independent directors in accordance with its articles of incorporation. The Competent Authority, however, shall as necessary in view of the company's scale, shareholder structure, type of operations, and other essential factors, require it to appoint independent directors, not less than two in number and not less than one-fifth of the total number of directors.” Therefore, the Company's Articles of Incorporation stipulates that the Taiflex Board of Directors shall be three independent directors at least, who are selected through a nomination and election process.
Pursuant to the Article 192-1 of Company Act, Taiflex publicly announced on the Market Observation Post System that shareholders who hold 1% or more of the total number of shares issued by the Company are qualified to submit in writing a roster of independent director candidates to the Company between May 30th, 2023 and May 26th, 2026. During the nomination period, no shareholders proposed a list of candidates for directors (including independent directors). The board of directors proposes the list of candidates for the 9th directors (including independent directors).
The list of the 10th directors nominated by the board of directors is as follows:
Candidate backgroundsTitle | Name | Academic Qualifications and Principal Work Experience | Positions Held Concurrently In the Company and/or Any Other Company |
Independent Director | Wen-I Lo |
Independent Director | Yung-Shun Chuang |
Independent Director | Shi-Chern Yen |
The 10th Board of Directors was elected at the 2023 Taiflex Annual Shareholders' Meeting. The newly elected board is composed of nine directors, including three new independent directors: Mr. Wen-I Lo, Hsu, Mr. Yung-Shun Chuang and Mr. Shi-Chern Yen.
Election results of the three Independent Directors are as follows:
Title | Candidate | Votes obtained |
Independent Director | Wen-I Lo | 143,380,706 |
Independent Director | Yung-Shun Chuang | 143,351,920 |
Independent Director | Shi-Chern Yen | 143,336,475 |