Functional Committees

The Company has established the Compensation Committee and its bylaws on December 23rd, 2011, in compliance with Regulations Governing the Appointment and Exercise of Powers by the Remuneration Committee of a Company Whose Stock is Listed on the Stock Exchange or Traded Over the Counter. According to Article 5 of the bylaw, the Compensation Committee shall be composed of three committee members that appointed by the Board of Directors.

The Compensation Committee is responsible for professionally and objectively evaluating the Company's overall compensation and benefits policy, compensation policy and system of the directors and managers, proposing recommendations to the Board of Directors for decision-making.

Compensation Committee shall exercise due care of a good administrator and duly carry out the following responsibilities:
  • Regularly review the Charter and propose recommendations.
  • Formulate and regularly review the annual and long-term performance targets, and the compensation policies, systems, standards and structures of Directors and managers
  • Regularly assess Directors’ and managers’ achievement rates concerning the performance targets and set out details and amount of individual's compensation. Recommendations made shall be submitted to the Board for discussion

Operation of the Compensation Committee

  • The Company's Compensation Committee comprises three members.
  • Term of current Committee members: May 30th, 2023 to May 29th, 2026.
  • The Compensation Committee convened 5 (A) meetings in 2024. The attendance status is as follows:
Title Name Attendance In Person (B) Attendance by Proxy Actual Attendance Rate(%)
Independent Director (Convener) Yung-Shun Chuang 5 0 100% Appointed by the Board on May 30, 2023 (Re-elected at Shareholders’ Meeting on May 30, 2023)
Independent Director Wen-I Lo 5 0 100% Appointed by the Board on May 30, 2023 (Re-elected at Shareholders’ Meeting on May 30, 2023)
Independent Director Shi-Chern Yen 5 0 100% Appointed by the Board on May 30, 2023 (Re-elected at Shareholders’ Meeting on May 30, 2023)
  • Other information:
    • If the Board of Directors decline to adopt or modify a recommendation of the Compensation Committee, the date and session of the Board meeting, contents of motions, resolution and actions taken by the Company regarding the Committee’s opinions shall be specified (if the compensation package approved by the Board is better than the recommendation made by the Committee, please specify the discrepancy and its reason): None.
    • As to the resolutions of the Compensation Committee, if a member expresses any objection or reservation, either by recorded statement or in writing, the date and session of the committee meeting, contents of motions, all members’ opinions and actions taken regarding the opinions shall be specified: None.
    • The date and session of the Compensation Committee meetings in 2024, contents of motions, the resolutions and actions taken by the Company regarding the Committee's opinions are as follows: