

When was Taiflex established and listed?

Taiflex Scientific Company Limited was incorporated on August 16, 1997. The shares of the Company ( commenced trading on Taipei Exchange on December 19, 2003 and were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange on December 17, 2009. Please access “ABOUT US” on our official website for details.

What is TAIFLEX’s fiscal year?

TAIFLEX’s fiscal year end is December 31.

Where may you find Taiflex's financial information?

Please access “FINANCIAL INFORMATION” on our official website for monthly, quarterly, annual and main product revenues as well as financial reports.

What is the number of Taiflex’s outstanding shares?

Please access Market Observation Post System (MOPS) at and search under “PROFILES”.

Where may you find stock quotes of Taiflex?

For historical trading prices, please access TWSE at and search under “Daily Closing Price”.
For real-time trading prices, please access “Stock Quotes” on our official website, or the Market Information System at and enter the stock code at “Get Stock”.

What do you need to do in order to participate in TAIFLEX's dividend payments?

A shareholder must own TAIFLEX shares through the day before the ex-dividend date to be entitled to the proposed dividend payment.

What is TAIFLEX's historical dividend payout?

Please refer to “DIVIDENDS” on our official website for more information.

May shareholders exercise their voting right in writing or by way of electronic transmission?

When the TAIFLEX convenes the shareholders’ meeting, the shareholders may exercise their voting rights in writing or by electronic transmission. A shareholder who exercises his/her voting right in writing or by electronic transmission is deemed to have attended the shareholders’ meeting in person. However, he/she shall be deemed to have waived his/her voting right in respect of any extemporary motions and amendments to the original proposals at the shareholders’ meeting. Please refer to the Articles of Incorporation under "INTERNAL POLICIES” on our official website for details.

Do elections of both Directors and Supervisors adopt the candidate nomination system?

The candidate nomination system is adopted for the election of both Directors (including Independent Directors) and Supervisors. They shall be elected from the list of candidates nominated at the shareholders’ meeting. Please refer to the Articles of Incorporation under "INTERNAL POLICIES” on our official website for details.