Carbon Neutral Action

Energy conservation & carbon reduction measures

In 2023, we implemented 29 energy-saving projects under ISO 50001. These projects were categorized into 11 types, with 9 of them focused on electricity-saving and achieved a saving of 1,504,834 kWh, exceeding the annual target of 1% stipulated in the Energy Administration Act. The remaining 2 types were extensions of projects initiated in 2022, focusing on equipment replacement and updates. These projects saved 237,649 m3 of natural gas along with a reduction in the use of synthetic adhesives containing VOCs. Of the 11 types of projects, the ones with greater energy-saving and carbon-reduction benefits achieved a reduction of 1,236.00 MT of CO2e emissions, which was roughly equivalent to the annual carbon sequestration of 3.2 Daan Parks

Note:According to the Council of Agriculture, each hectare of forest can sequester 15 MT of carbon dioxide per year. Therefore, Daan Park (25.8 hectares) can absorb 384.6 MT of carbon dioxide annually.

Improvements on air conditioning to optimize energy efficiency

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Replacement of water towers to conserve energy

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Installation of frequency converter on equipment to conserve energy

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Replacement of heat dissipation materials in NMP cooling towers at Taiflex 3

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Optimization of FFU in clean room

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Improvement of lighting

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Reduction of cooling load to conserve energy

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Adoption of routine operation for ventilators at toilets

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Oven pre-heating with nitrogen to conserve energy

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Replacement of ceramic media within the RRTO at Taiflex 2 to conserve energy

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Adoption of auxiliary fuel for zeolite rotor concentrator at Taiflex 3 to conserve energy

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)


Total for 2023

Energy Saving (GJ)


Carbon Reduction Benefits (MT CO2e)



  1. Thermal conversion factor for electricity: 1kWh = 0.0036 GJ. Electricity emission factor refers to the electricity GHG emission factor released by the Energy Administration, Ministr y of Economic Affairs: 0.494 kg CO2e in 2023.
  2. Conversion factor of natural gas is based on the thermal conversion factorsin the Greenhouse Gas Emission Factor Table (6.0.4) published by the Environmental Protection Administration: Natural gas = 8,000 kcal/m3 and 1 kcal = 4.1868 KJ.
  3. Carbon reduction from natural gas is calculated based on emission factors of Taiflex factories in 2023: Taiflex 2 of 2.0717305579 kg CO2e/M3 and Taiflex 3 of 2.0777999360 kg CO2e/M3 .

Promote construction of renewable energy

On December 31, 2020, the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs announced that major electricity users with contracted capacity of 5,000 kW or above are required to install renewable energy power generation equipment for 10% of their average chartered capacity in the previous year within five years, purchase renewable energy and certificates, or install energy storage facility in order to perform their obligations pursuant to the “Renewable Energy Development Act.” The contracted capacity of our factories has yet to meet the threshold of major electricity users. Although we are not subject to the aforementioned regulations at this stage, we took actions in response to the government policy. We established Taiflex Green Power in March 2021 and installed PV facilities of 375.9 kW (generating 450,752 kWh of electricity per year) at Taiflex 2 in 2022. At the same time, we bought back the installed capacity of 271.2kW (generated 349,544 kWh of electricity per year) previously leased to other companies at Taiflex 5.

To achieve net zero emissions, we have set medium to long-term goals: the global vision of “10% renewable energy, low carbon emissions, and circular economy for waste by 2030” and “100% renewable energy, net zero emissions, and 100% circular economy by 2050.” We adopt green building initiatives when enhancing energy efficiency and production at our Kaohsiung factories and as priorities for the design of our Thai factory. We also plan to sign a ten-year purchase agreement for green power certificates of 75 GWh, making carbon reduction our competitive edge. Furthermore, following assessment by the Sustainable Development Committee and approval by the Board of Directors, our subsidiary, Taiflex Green Power, will expand efforts on renewable energy installation and be dedicated to the operation of our green power facilities. In 2023, an additional investment of NT$12,827 thousand to increase installed capacity by 271.2 kW was made in Taiflex 5.